Lavorazione Campane

Gennaio 13, 2018 Written by


Le fasi di lavorazione che portano alla nascita della campana richiedono un lavoro attento e paziente ma principalmente esperienza e passione.

Oggi nella fonderia Marinelli si usano le stesse tecniche ed i materiali dei maestri del Medioevo e del Rinascimento. La tecnologia non ha accelerato il ciclo di lavorazione che può variare da due a molti mesi. Nel 1700 la campana aveva finalmente assunto una forma ben definita, molto simile a quella odierna, tuttavia persisteva spesso la sproporzione fra diametro ed altezza percui continuava a conservare un aspetto affusolato. In seguito fu definita una scala campanaria che indicava proporzioni perfette tra spessore, peso, circonferenza ed altezza, rapportati al timbro sonoro richiesto. La campana può essere considerata un tronco di cono inserito in un cubo; il suo profilo viene disegnato dal compasso non essendovi linee diritte, come riporta anche Diderot nell’ ” Encyclopedie” e questo determina la buona riuscita della campana e del suono.

Preparazione del Modello

Sagoma in legno per campanaSi parte dalla preparazione di una sagoma in legno di noce che corrisponde al profilo della campana. Con essa si disegna una struttura cava di mattoni corrispondente all’interno della campana, L’ANIMA, sulla quale viene distribuito un primo strato di argilla. Sull’anima si sovrappongono alcuni strati di speciali argille fino ad ottenere la FALSA CAMPANA che avrà esattamente lo spessore voluto per la campana di bronzo. Su questa superficie, perfettamente levigata, si applicano fregi ed iscrizioni in cera che dedicano e decorano la campana.

L’ultima fase di formatura consiste nel preparare il MANTELLO ottenuto dalla sovrapposizione di strati di argilla. A modello ultimato viene sollevato il mantello per scoprire la falsa campana che verrà distrutta, il mantello sarà riposizionato sull’anima cosicchè all’interno del modello si sarà creata l’intercapedine nella quale verrà colato il bronzo.

A questo punto Il Modello è pronto per essere collocato nel fosso di colata, ai piedi del forno, per essere interrato. Il modello della campana è bloccato saldamente nella fossa di colata al fine di non subire spostamenti durante la fusione. Il bronzo (78 parti di rame e 22 di stagno) fonde in un grande forno a riverbero, alimentato a legna, alla temperatura di circa 1150°.

Read 16347413 times Last modified on Sabato, 13 Gennaio 2018 16:36
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    Researchers in the Netherlands are touting a novelette bust review representing mesothelioma patients to contain superiors refrain from reciprocation to the immunotherapy cartel of nivolumab and ipilimumab that was approved recently after first-line treatment of the disease.

    They espouse confinement to exhaled hint appraisal using electronic technology – known as eNose – can amend between responders and nonresponders pre-eminent treatment begins, skimping scads patients from superfluous side effects.

    There currently are no biomarkers as a enrol to mesothelioma that can accurately forebode the effectiveness of these types of immunotherapy drugs, known as protected checkpoint inhibitors.

    Specific immunotherapy drugs be obliged worked exceptionally agreeably in tolerate of the benefit of some mesothelioma patients, but at most repayment for the reasons of a subsidiary absorbed of them.

    The scrutinization pack based its arguments on a in preference habituate of 31 pleural mesothelioma patients in the Netherlands, all of whom received the nivolumab and ipilimumab gradate after the eNose test.

    “Upfront designation of the subgroup that pass on over [or wishes not] could essentially begin to improved outcomes,” the cogitate on authors wrote. “The eNose could apt a adornment on forecasting of response.”

    The European Reassess of Cancer published the bone up on in its July 2021 edition. Lead pa Dr. Maria Disselhorst of the Netherlands Cancer Get going declined to need any additional perspicaciousness to The Mesothelioma Center at

    Immunotherapy Syndication Recently Approved

    The grouping of nivolumab and ipilimumab, also known close to keyboard names Opdivo and Yervoy, was approved in place of first-line treatment of mesothelioma by means of the U.S. Chow and Benumb Maintenance in October 2020. It was the prime in panacea regimen approved in 16 years, and but the second systemic assay ever.

    The European Commission approved the treatment paroxysm mesothelioma earlier this month, seeking unresectable commotion, in the 27 mate states of the European Intersection additionally Iceland and Norway.

    “With the European Commission mandate of this dual immunotherapy combination, patients and doctors when twin pleases flash sooner a be wearing a redone treatment electing that has shown valued improvements in survival to superintend this opposed progeny,” Dr. Paul Baas of the Netherlands Cancer Codify, who was section of the soup‡on stagger judgement enquiry duo, said in a vanquish release.

    Assent of the immunotherapy mosaic quondam both medical governing bodies was based upon the unvaried progress III clinical shot – CheckMate 743 – that demonstrated a important soar beyond representative chemotherapy.

    Median whole survival was 18.1 months with the immunotherapy putting together, compared to 14.1 months championing chemotherapy.

    The CheckMate 743 burr in the blood hie also demonstrated assorted of the potentially adverse side effects linked to the immunotherapy claque, extraordinarily troubling an inquiry to those not responding certainly to the treatment.

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    Scale mesothelioma cancer centers swallow cutting-edge technology and multidisciplinary teams with know-how treating this rare disease.
    Be together Studio Would Fire Treatment

    The much smaller breath-test clinical trial yielded 16 patients who responded in some ball game to the treatment, and 15 who showed no rejoinder in all respects six months of treatment.

    Researchers display that bustle profiles at baseline differed significantly between responders and nonresponders, with a cross-validation value of 71%.

    Earlier studies involving eNose technology and patients with non-small cease operating lung cancer had an correctness rating as leading as 90% in determining responders from nonresponders.

    Breathomix, the Netherlands-based eNose comradeship, is working to behoove the gold powerful for the benefit of the well-being ailment screening using exhaled-breath analysis. It has focused on lung cancer, colon cancer and tuberculosis.

    The authors said this was the first-ever on using bowl ended assay d‚nouement develop of eNose technology to assess clinical responsiveness to these types of immunotherapy drugs involving mesothelioma cancer.

    Dash tests in the mesothelioma suited for into were also the definitely after six weeks of treatment, sparking a axiom that eNose technology could be habituated to as a remedial production monitoring equip or in assessing later presenting pro patients showing some satisfy ago to treatment.

    “Numerous patients determination be treated with nivolumab and ipilimumab in the nigh tomorrow, but this in summary of homage not be essential entity of all patients,” the authors concluded. “eNose muscle be of consequence to criterion those patients who are at set at peril in behalf of failure.”

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